Review: Etta and Otto and Russell and James by Emma Hooper

“We’re all scared most of the time. Life would be lifeless if we weren’t. Be scared, and then jump into that fear. Again and again. Just remember to hold on to yourself while you do it.”

Spoiler free.

My friend saw this book at a charity sale and bought it because she thought the cover would look good on my Instagram.

I had never heard of this book before, but I’m so glad my friend thought of me and bought it. I loved it.

Etta and Otto and Russell live in Saskatchewan, Canada and have done almost their entire lives. One day, 82-year-old Etta realises she has never seen the water, so she decides to walk there armed with a gun, some chocolate, and her best boots. It’s a long way for anyone, let alone an 82-year-old with early signs of dementia.

The book flicks between the past and the present, between Etta, her husband Otto, and Russell’s (his childhood friend) point of views. All 3 of them have beautiful stories intertwined with each other.

I loved the vulnerability of all the characters, Etta’s determination and adventure, their love for each other, and the movement between past and present. The ending is open to interpretation, which I’m not usually a fan of, however it was described so beautifully I thought it was magical in its own melancholy way.

Etta has made me want to quit my job and hike around Canada, close to nature, for the rest of my life. I would recommend this book to anyone.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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