Review: Mistress of All Evil by Serena Valentino

“Practically every princess in peril has been saved by Love’s First Kiss! For goodness’ sake, between witches and fairies, can’t we think of something more original?”


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Edinburgh: Harry Potter!

I am a huge Harry Potter fan! I grew up waiting for the next book to come out each time, buying it as soon as I could, and then devouring it within a couple of days. My dad took me to the cinema to see every single film – in 2011, I waited until I was back home from uni before going to see Deathly Hallows part 2, just so he could take me. It’s a world that means a lot to me and has helped me through some tough times in my life, so you can imagine my delight when I realised that Edinburgh played such a huge part in J. K. Rowling’s life and the creation of Harry and his world.

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